The most common reason we get hurt playing soccer in the summer is because we take it easy during the Winter months.  Understandably so, it's cold!  But if you really want to perform well in the summer without pulling a muscle, twisting an ankle, or feeling as if your heart is going to beat out of your chest because of poor cardiovascular endurance, you can't afford to be "off" in the Winter time.

The Resolve Winter Soccer Program is...
• Specifically designed for you to play a 90 min soccer match with minimal pain through improving your CARDIO, STRENGTH and FLEXIBILITY

• Geared towards improving your physical SAS -
Strength  in your muscles, Agility in your movement, Speed in your feet...through the use of various pieces of training equipment - bosu balls, hurdles, harnesses, bands, kettle bells etc. 

• It will build your confidence on the ball through focusing on soccer technical skills and small SCRIMMAGES

Program Specifics:

Start/End Date: Fridays 7pm from January 7 to February 11, 2011 (6 training sessions)

Location: Lincoln Alexander Public School    

Investment (in YOU): $70 (CHEQUES PAYABLE TO RESOLVE LIFE MANAGEMENT)                             


To confirm your participation or if you have any questions, please email Derek at